Digitales Portfolio
Lebendiges Archiv ausgewählter Arbeiten
Prompt Battle
Gameshow Format
[10/2022 bis 04/2024]
Prompt Battle Videos
Videoreihe [10/2022]
or it didn't happen
Website / Text [01/2023]
With Against
Postoptimale Prototypen / Video [07/2022]
Delete Ignore Alter
Text [07/2022]
Form Follows Data
Datenvisualisierung [07/2022]
Outside the
Bounding Box
Kuration / Ausstellung [06/2022]
Artificial Jamsession
Website / Installation [07/2021]
Website / Installation / Text [07/2021]
Wie wir das sehen!
Plakat / Sticker / Postkarten / Broschüre [01/2021]
Viral Systems
App Prototyp [07/2020]
Gutes Design
folgt einer Linie
Plakat [02/2020]